Zoo Hodonin


City: Hodonin
Country: Czech Republic
Province: South Moravian Region
Opend 1975


Species 173


The zoo occupies about 7 hectares. At present, there are about 500 animals. Several pavilions were built , e.g. the pavilion for primates, the pavilion of exotic birds, etc. Zoo Hodonín can offer also playgrounds for children and cafeteria. You meet animals like tigers and more rarely seen animals like the sunbear and the addax

Vis stort kort

Last visited 2012


Phone number 518 346 271


Zoologická zahrada Hodonín
U Červených domků 3529
CZ-695 01 Hodonín
Czech Republic

E-mail: propagace@zoo-hodonin.cz


Open : minimum 9am-4pm

Entrace fee:

  • Adult 150,- CZK
  • Child 100,- CZK

Annual ticket

  • One adult and one child 700 CZK
  • Two adults and two children 1500 CZK


It all started back in 1972 when the municipal People's Comittee with its leader Emil Schwarz was thinking of starting a zoo at Hodonin. In 1973 the city council approved of the idear and the next year several hundred people helped building the zoo. A mini-zoo was allready opened on 1st may 1976 and the zoo it opened for real a year later on the 29th september 1977. The next years a minimum of 70000 visitors visited the zoo annualy, so an extension was nesessary. In 1982 it official got the the titel zoo and since 1992 it is a member of the Union of Czech and Slovak zoos. 
Map 2011 Map 2015 Map 2020
After paying the entrance fee we walk straight forward and see ducks and flamingos.  Opposite is a small aquarium building with sharks among others.  Outside again we look at tigers and lions. Across we find sheep, llamas and other domestic animals as well as the scimitar oryx. The next round house with animals shows ostriches and wallabies among other. In this area we also find the sunbear and other carnivores like the wolf. Now its time to look at the pheasantry, the bird house with parots and some aviaries for birds of prey and owls. Here we also find the raccoon. Accross we find  a round house for donkeys, horses as well as some antilopes. The last house is a monkey house with cotton-top tamarins and chimpanzees.

DE: Dieser kleine Zoo nah der Österreichischen Grenze zeigt insbesonders Haustiere und kleinere Tiere wie Fische un Reptilien. 

DK: Denne lille have nær den østrigske grænse viser især husdyr og mindre dyr som fisk og krybdyr
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